Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My New Website

Well I have been working on my new website for about a week now and I am to say that I have finally finished it. I designed it myself and to be honest I didn't realise what hidden talent I had. The best thing of all was that it didn't cost me a cent. I'm wrapped that its finished finally. The only thing I have to do now is organise the domain name so that it appears on Google, which I will be doing in the near future.

Its much more interactive compared to my NZG site although I will be continuing to advertise with them also. You can never have too much advertising I say. The pages I have included are listed as follows:

Rates & Services: Consists of a brief description of me, my rates and services outlined in detail, the hours and days that I work, a selection of links I can be contacted via and how to make a booking.

Blog: I have decided to amalgamate all my blogs together into one. Here I have put them into categories. My Life's Experiences are about memories that I have from the past and the things that happened along the way when I first became an escort. My Travels as an Escort relate to the present day experiences and my trips around the country. Reviews are from my clients, the majority being from the Adult Forum. World Events basically are blogs to do with events that are going on in the world that I am passionate about.

About Me: This page represents me with a few photographs and how I first entered into the industry and why.

Contact Me: Is a direct link for clients and inquisitive visitors to contact me with their enquiries and questions in more depth.

In the News: Is somewhere where current clients can write their own review of me for others to read. I have added a couple of links at the bottom that I regularly visit.

Photo Gallery: Is all my up to date photographs which will be updated on a regular basis.

Forum: I have my own forum now so please join in to discuss whatever topics you wish.

Calendar: Consists of all up and coming events

Guestbook: Is for anyone who wishes to add a comment regarding my website and to say that they have visited the page.

Members: You may subscribe to my website.

Favourite Links: Is a list of websites that I love. These consist of my favourite lingerie sites, Accommodation and Restaurants.

I hope you will peruse the new website and leave comments as to your ideas and recommendations. Also would love to have you join me in discussion. Look forward to hearing from you all.

Georgia XXX

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Quotes Of The Day

“I'm in awe every time: By planting so little,
you can reap so much.”
— Oprah

"At the center of your being you have the answer; You know who you are and you know what you want."
— Lao Tzu

Friday, August 14, 2009

Taking a Break From Adult Forum

I feel like celebrating this morning as I when I checked in on Adult Forum to see how many posts I had done I was shocked to see that I had 0 posts. What a major breakthrough for me. I have found that Adult Forum has become quite an addictive place to be.

This is my 8th month of membership and although I find the forum to be a very good research tool it has some very negative side effects. The forum itself is a great tool for information, from a clients point of view as well as a working girls viewpoint. I have learnt so much about so many different aspects.

Don't get me wrong there are heaps more worse things to be addicted to and Adult Forum is not so bad really. The forum has some very positive aspects as well as negative ones. The negative aspects of the forum I'm referring to is some of the members rather than the actual forum itself.

I have noticed over the past few months the deterioration of some of the members and how negative and attacking their behaviour has become. I have seen some that sit on the fence and argue the point for the sake of it and a day later they change their view and argue the opposite point due to majority rules. This can be rather frustrating as one never knows what their understanding of the debated topic really is. I'm starting to think that half of them have no idea either. It gets to a point where I get so worked up even I am becoming negative and this is an emotion that I just do not want to go back to. It has taken me so long to get to a point in my life that I have to keep reminding myself that if I don't make a conscious effort of pulling myself up I shall fall into the abyss of negativity.

I very good friend of mine who is also a member of the forum and my bi double in business had a very frightening experience the other night. Her and I had been messaging via MSN for most of the week. She has been having problems with her boyfriend who lives with her. It appears he has progressively become controlling. I have been rather worried about her. Well the other night it all came to a head. Thankfully due to our keeping in touch via phone and MSN daily I was able to assess the situation and act promptly.

To cut a long story short I had to contact the police who went to her address and found it very difficult to contain him so they had to use pepper spray. He was arrested and locked up overnight ready to appear in court the following morning for assault on a woman. So you see it was pretty bad. Her boyfriend had ripped the phone out of the wall and taken her mobile and she was asked to attend the police station to make a statement regarding the incident.

I was pretty frantic because it had been ages since I phoned the police and the arrest was made that I could not get hold of her to make sure she was OK. When she arrived home she posted a message on AF. She knows what I am like and wanted to reassure me that she was OK. We eventually got to speak to each other on the phone and I have to say I was so relieved to hear her voice on the other end.

Unfortunately some of the responses to her message on the forum was not so inviting. There were those who constantly show their caring and considerate side on the forum as always. They are the ones who consistently try to raise the morale to a more positive level. These are the members I find refreshing and who were the sole reason why I joined in the first place.

Then there are some members, the minority who constantly attack for the sake of being nasty. I was totally appalled to read some of the responses of some of some members on the forum and their total lack of respect for her. Their were suggestions of the validity being fake. Then next point being that it was written to drum up business. One idiot even had the audacity to ask for photographic proof.

Well this comment sent me into a head spin to say the least. It brought back all the memories of my own personal experience regarding domestic violence with an ex partner whom I am so thankful to have gotten rid of. Took a long time but I did it and three years down the road I have no wish of even speaking to the guy let alone see him again. Fortunately I'm not bitter any more about it but the haunting memories still lurk in the back of my mind where I'm sure they will stay for years to come.

My boyfriend used to beat the living crap out of me back then and one particular incident when he kicked me in the kidneys and I was left immobile for three days. I was in total agony. Many people back then would not believe it because they had not seen the proof of bruising but from the victims point of view we as woman feel ashamed that this sort of behaviour goes on. It is the most humiliating experience being the receiver of physical abuse. Its not on, its not acceptable for any reason no matter what level of abuse it is, its not right full stop.

The comments of some of the guys really infuriated me when they tried to make out that my friend was bullshitting. Its funny because there have been more negative comments regarding her making it up and using it to get sympathy. Another guy suggested it was a marketing ploy to get clients and drum up business. I mean are these guys dense or something. What a bunch of losers.

There is one member in particular who has gone downhill with his posting. He thinks he is funny. I think he is a prat. Anyway such is life. He brings me up in every thread almost just to get some kind of reaction and he is very derogatory in the way he addresses me.

The thread deteriorated to the point where I decided I didn't want my friend to see it the next morning as it would upset her so I had it deleted. AF were brilliant about it. I was very thankful and for this reason I will continue to be a member of the forum but for now I'm taking a break.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thanks To All My Lovely Clients

I was talking to a friend today and it made me remember something to be thankful for regarding my profession as an escort. Its funny how the different experiences in my life have lead me down various pathways. Its almost like the tree of life with all her branches.

I thought about what positive things this industry has brought into my life. I thought about the reasons why I entered it. I was so down and lacking self esteem when I started and in a way it was my clients that saved me. They saved me from myself. From the self destructive path I was on. Each and every one of them helped me to regain my confidence back. Because of them I realised that I wasn't such a bad person after all. They made me realise that I was the master of my own destiny.

I'm a firm believer of, when one door closes, a whole corridor opens. We all come to that cross roads along our own individual journeys. We worry that we are taking the wrong path but the truth is there is no wrong path. Each road leads to a different destination with many more lessons to learn. The journey may be hard and unforgiving at times but if we listen to our instincts we will find fulfillment. Its not how empty is our glass but how full it is that counts. The most important thing is that we focus on what we have to learn. There is no such thing as a mistake. Its how we look at the events in our lives and how we can go about improving what happened before. I guess that's the secret to wisdom. If you keep repeating unhappy situations in your life then you are obviously evolving at a pace that you choose comfortable for you.

Being an escort opened my eyes to the many guys out there that come from different backgrounds, with varying professions, single, married, in relationships all having their own story to tell. I became their confidant, someone whom they could spend more than just intimacy with. Someone who would listen to their woes, their joys and their everyday lives. For once I was able to focus on something else, rather than my problems for a change. I started to realise that mine were so much more insignificant compared to theirs. In some way they all touched my life, some more so than others.

I remember a client I had once who had been in a car accident. He was in a wheelchair and he had obviously suffered head injuries due to the accident. He was a regular of a club that I worked for and I was sent on an out call to his premises one afternoon. When I arrived he was ready and waiting patiently. I discovered that he was just as together as he had been before the accident.

After we had spent some intimate time together we sat down to chat. He told me what had happened, that he was involved in an accident involving a drunken driver. He being the innocent party of course. He had been very active in sport and outdoor activities and after the accident he was pretty depressed. When he regained consciousness he realised he was paralysed from the waist down and suffering from a speech impairment due to the head injury. He told me how he made a conscious decision that he wasn't going to let what happened to him hinder him from living his life to the fullest. His decision to push himself to get better was his ultimate goal. Obviously he would never get back to how he was before the accident. I really admired him for his courage. He showed me all his photo albums of all the activities he used to do. He was a really attractive guy. He became my regular. What a neat guy he was. I saw him often when I lived in Wellington but when I moved back to Auckland we lost touch. I often think about him and how he is, what hes doing. I'm so thankful for having the opportunity of him being in my life and touching my heart the way he did.

There have been many others along the way that I can remember that I have fond thoughts of, all for different reasons and how they touched my heart. In some way they have enhanced my life and me to be a better person. The way in which they treated me was special. I always thought that escorts were treated with disrespect. I was so wrong. Almost every guy I had treated me with total respect, like a feeling caring human being, which I am. I so appreciated that. They complimented me on many things about myself and made me realise that I was not the horrible person that my partner had led me to believe. I started to have faith in myself in realising my own self worth.

I think becoming an escort made me less judgemental about other people. It made me take a look at some of my own thought patterns and I'm a different person now because of it. I think it helped me to find peace and not be so anxious about life and what may or may not unfold tomorrow. I realised that I needed to be more grateful for what I had and focus on the positive aspects of my work. I soon discovered that there were many.

So to all of those guys I have met along the way who have been clients of mine or even social contacts I just want to say thank you. Thanks for helping me to rediscover myself!!! Love and respect to you all.

Georgia XO

St Johns New Foundland versus Cape Reinga

I recieved a really lovely email today from a very lovely guy whom I corrospond with regularly via email, Draven. He shared this with me: I like the Cape Reinga part, it looks like ST Johns Newfoundland along with a couple of photos you might like to take a look at. Such amazing similarities dont you think?

Thanks hun and it was really nice to here from you. XO

Places Ive Seen On My Travels Cape Reinga

When I first became an escort a couple of years ago I was not in the right place emotionally. I had just finished with a very bad relationship and decided to set off by myself to gain back who I had lost, me!!!

I had spent 8 long months as someone else's puppet and for the first time I was free to do what I wanted. I had nothing but I did have my freedom to choose and go anywhere that I wanted. I was happy for the very first time in a long time. I decided that I would head to Wellington but before I did that I wanted to make a trip to Cape Reinga. The northernmost tip of New Zealand.

Maori people believe that when you die your spirit leaves from this point. So I went there to see where my soul would go when I pass to the other side. I wanted to see how beautiful it was. I had heard so many stories from my relatives about this place and how spiritual it is. The picture does it no justice. You have to go there to see if for yourself and feel it. There is a quiet calm about the place. I walked out to the end of the point and gazed down. There on the point stands a lone tree where it is said our souls dive off following the roots of the tree to the other side.

I thought of all the people in my life that had passed on. All my loved ones and the people whom had left a lasting impression in my mind and on my life. People whom I had thought of in times of
desolation and loneliness. Thinking of them helped give me strength to hold fast to my beliefs and visualise my time of freedom once again. I sat for a long time that day thinking of those people and gave thanks to them for the positive influence they had on my life. It was due to them and the lessons they had shared with me that gave me the strength, motivation and determination to carry on.

I learned that day that no matter what I was a survivor and I aimed to remain this way.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Positive Changes

I have come to the conclusion that we become what we choose to surround ourselves with. So for instance if we are constantly bombarding our time with negativity then we attract more negative people and situations and chaos to our lives. In the same respect if we surround ourselves with positive people then some of their positivity rubs off onto us. I do believe in the law of attraction. After seeing the video "The Secret" and practising it I know that good things come to those who believe.

I'm sure that most of you have heard of "The Secret" and what its all about. Its all about our own feelings and what we feel has a certain effect that controls what goes on in our lives. It has to do with the law of physics. Feeling good creates a positive effect to what is drawn to us and what happens in our future. Fear and negative feelings creates more chaos in our lives. Have you ever asked yourself, when you start your day on a negative footing that it can somehow snowball and screw up the rest of your day. Some of us just love drama. The universe responds to what you think and feel. It doesn't understand about what you don't want. The universe will give you whatever you are thinking. So if you are thinking I don't want people in my life that rip me off, the universe will give you just that, more people that will rip you off and take advantage of you.

It is best not to focus on what you don't have or want. We need to start thinking of what we do want. We need to start creative visualising what we want as if we already have it. It sounds kind of far fetched doesn't it. Well I have to say that I have been through stages in my life and this theory actually does work. I have found myself falling back into old habits but then I realise what I am doing to myself so I consciously have to tell myself off and bring myself back into check and go back to the basics.

Out comes the video of "The Secret" and I am constantly starting my day with watching this video over and over until I get back into good habits. If you intellectually believe something but don't feel it you are not putting yourself into manifestation of creating your own future. We have to put our thoughts and feelings into physical action. No point sitting around procrastinating as we will not kick start our own future. We have to pay attention to the things we want by visualising that we have them already. We have to believe that our lives will unfold in a positive way and trust that what we believe will come to us. The power of positive thought is amazing if we believe.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Memoirs of an Escort

I decided it might be appropriate to share some of my experiences of some of the encounters Ive had over the years of being involved with this profession. After my road trip it brought to mind a booking I had with a client over a year and a half ago. The buy was from Australia, visiting Wellington for a couple of weeks. He was her on a conference and staying at the Museum Hotel. He booked me for four days. What a great time we had. He was in his early 50's and for someone of this age I was quite intrigued with how high his libido was.

I arrived at his hotel room with a bag packed with all the necessary bits and pieces that I needed for four days of fun. I knocked on the door and waiting in anticipation as he opened the door and was greeted by a European guy, average build, not bad looking in his early fifties and a grin from ear to ear. I'm always really nervous when meeting clients for the first time. I worry that they might not approve of my looks and hope that I will live up to their expectations. He eagerly invited me in and as I sat down he offered me a glass of champagne. I love champagne as it always seems to get me into the mood very quickly and takes the edge of nervousness away. I find myself rather uninhibited when I drink champagne and I get extremely horny on it, maybe the bubbles goes straight to my head. Who knows, I just love the effect it has on me that's for sure.

Without having to ask him he handed me an envelope with the required fee that we had discussed on the phone earlier within. I found this to be very admirable quality as with these types of bookings its best to get the money up front as it guarantees everything will go without a hitch and I can just relax into the session.

We spent a couple of hours introducing ourselves to each other and getting to know as much as we could. It was kind of like a date more than a booking with a client. I know that other working ladies have a different opinion about the way they conduct their time with clients but I personally like to treat my clients as if they were my boyfriend, especially if they are spending a few days with me as in this case. Knowing what to do with someone for this period of time is not something that you can plan in advance especially at such short notice. I try to find out as much as I can about the guy and then design my time around them specifically.

Anyway going over everything that happened over the four days would just be too much so I will touch on a couple of memorable and amusing points during the time we spent together. My first discovery was that this guy just loved sex in every imaginable position you could possibly think of.

One of his requests was that he wanted a threesome. I had been working with a girl at a club in masterton whom I thought would be up for the task so I proceeded to make arrangements to cater his fantasy. I wont say who she was as I think confidentiality is a good thing in respect to this incident. The client had made it quite clear that money was no object so I decided to plan a night out for the three of us. I got hold of this girls and explained the situation and as she is bi she would be perfect for the fantasy. I explained to her that when she arrived that I would be in charge of how everything would go for the evening and for her to follow my lead. She agreed and she arrived at around 7pm to meet us. He was very pleased with my choice of lady which I was extremely happy with.

We both waited in anticipation for her arrival and before long there was a knock at the door. It was Kate, she had arrived on time as prearranged. As she entered the room gracefully I glanced to see his reaction and I was glad to see his eyes widened with awe at her beauty. We started off with a drink and as I filled the spa bath ensuring there was enough bubbles, just love bubbles in all forms, I left the two of them to get to know each other. I could hear from the bathroom the approval in his voice as he chatted away to her about the intentions of his trip to New Zealand. The three of us then retired into the spa to relax and explore each others bodies, glass of champagne in hand of course before our evening out that I had so carefully planned for him.

After an hour or two of playing and raunchy fun in the bath we dressed in sexy evening wear and as I had previously arranged a driver to pick us up for the next venture. Money was of no object and he was extremely comfortable with leaving me in charge of the evening. He handed me a substantial amount of cash and said "I'm in your capable hands so surprise me". Well I just love to be on the receiving end of surprises as well as the giving so off we tottled to the next destination which was Mermaids in Wellington. Kate's main task was mainly to flirt with him and keep him mesmerised while I went off and organised the girls I wanted to entertain him while we were there.

Firstly I organised a bottle of champagne for the three of us and some play money for tipping the dancers. My favourite part of interaction in erotic dance clubs. Then I decided to pick the girls whom I wanted to dance for him specifically. The club was fairly empty and I knew that if I slipped the girls an extra $50 each and organised a couple of drinks for him then they would be more than happy to accommodate my requests.

I started off by selecting one lady who had long curly blond hair. What a stunner. She was dressed in rhinestone studded silver hot pants, a tasseled waistcoat with a very sexy bikini top with tassels on it, white thigh boots and a cowboy hat. She had a belt that looked like it had a stock whip attached. She was definitely going to be part of the team. She was European and extremely beautiful with a very firm and toned body. Something he loves. The next lady I spied was a gorgeous Polynesian girl with olive skin and brown hair. dressed in white. I love white attire on a dark skinned lady. Her eyes were her most striking feature as they were green. Full lips and big green eyes. So how cool is this I'm thinking I have ebony and ivory so far.

Next I needed a red head who i spyed, with short hair in a bob, dressed in red. Seems alot but you had to be there to see how stunning this chic looked in a little red dress with a plunging neckline and thigh boots with stiletto heals. Very sexy indeed. Lastly I needed a lady that had really dark skin almost as black as night and sure enough I found one right there. She was dressed in gold.

I approached the girls and explained what I wanted to which they were more than happy to oblige and when the show started I was all set with the entertainment for at least the next hour with these fine erotic dancers. I mozied on back over to Kate and the guy we were entertaining and gave him a quick lesson as to how to go about rewarding these sexy morsels.

We had a brilliant time that night laughing and drinking and tipping the ladies. They would wrap their legs around him and rub themselves up against him and the more he tipped the more they concentrated on turning their attention to him. He loved it when they would push their breasts up to his face when accepting the tip money with gratitude. Once we had been there for some time I decided it was time to move on to the next little surprise I had in store for him that night.

After a very enjoyable evening at Mermaids I had successfully been able to get our lovely guy in the mood for the next part of the evenings raunchy fun. He was pretty much in the mood for sex after being swamped by so many gorgeous ladies and was quite happy to depart for the next venue I had in mind.

Well my choice of venue was S p l a s h which was upstairs from Mermaids. So off the three of us went and buzzed the door and waited patiently to be ushered in. We were escorted into a small room to the side and the three of us sat down. The receptionist came in to greet us and I explained that our guest was visiting from Australia and had never visited a parlour before. I asked her if she had any ladies on that were bi that would be willing to cater to all three of us. She then said yes and that she had a couple of options then disappeared to fetch them.

Between the three of us we chose a lady who was in her late twenties, soft spoken, very attractive and slim. She had a gorgeous smile, ash blond hair and dressed in a corset, mini skirt, suspenders, high heel shoes and stockings with seams. I just love stockings with seams, they are so sexy. We ordered a couple of bottles of champagne, yes more champagne and our girl of choice escorted us to the room of her choice. It had a huge spa bath in it and a massive bed with mirrors on the wall as well as a shower. Very appropriate for the occasion. His eyes lit up like neon signs at three lovely gals standing before him. I'm sure for that moment that he thought he was Hugh Hefner.

Well as the night rolled on we all indulged in some sensual fun which I might add lasted about three hours, to which the lady was very happy. Don't panic we didn't totally wear her out, she got time to sit back and enjoy the evening. Something I love to do when Im with a client who wishes to indulge in long bookings such as this. I like to include a night at a parlour so that he can have his fantasy of a threesome fulfilled. Well he most certainly had all his needs met during this session that's for sure and we left the establishment feeling rather chuffed with ourselves.

At the end of the evening Kate left in a cab to go home as her boyfriend allowed her to do the job as long as she went home and we stumbled back to The Museum Hotel. It had been a very energetic evening and to think that this guy had got his fill was really hopeful as he was even more hornier when he got home. Well you can imagine how stuffed I was at the end of that day. To drift off into dreamland was most definitely well waited for and deserved that's for sure.

After a pretty hectic night out the night before I slowly drifted into awareness from a very hard appendage being jammed in my back. It took me a wee while to get my bearings but I realised after a few minutes as to where I was. My first thought of the morning that day was, hell this guy is a goer. I succumbed to his advances as he was paying for my time and this is all part and parcel of accepting bookings of this magnitude. There is no such thing as saying no.

That day we spent the whole day having sex in every position and in every place possible. We did it on the bed, on the floor, the couch, the table, the desk, out on the deck, in the shower, the bath, and the bathroom sink. I'm sure that had I suggested it he would have wanted to do it in the hallway and the lift too. But being a bit shy I made sure I didn't give him any ideas that I wasn't really ready to fulfill. We would have sex and then he would sleep for an hour or two, then wake up and do the same all over again. This went on for the whole day and to be honest I was glad to hit the pillow at the end of the second day, don't worry about that.

Day three was a very different sort of day and to avoid feeling like I had been riding a horse I decided to be proactive and plan something really interesting. Little did I know he had a surprise for me instead. It was something I wasn't expecting but I'm kind of glad that he took the initiative as it showed his appreciation for the effort I had made in treating him so far.

We started the day by going to breakfast in the hotel and then hand in hand we tottled off down the road to look around Wellington city. We stumbled across a lingerie shop which he happily dragged me into to peruse what they had and what he liked. Well this was a pleasant surprise as I just love elegant lingerie. Its always nice for the man to come with me when looking through the racks as I like to wear what they want to see me in. After he purchased a very nice royal red lingerie set we set off again. This time to the mobile phone shop to which he brought me a matching red phone to go with my lingerie with all the newest features. My face was beaming. It had been such a very long time since I can remember the last time any man had treated me to such lovely presents such as these. I felt like a little girl, bashful and excited all at the same time.

We continued on hand in hand and as we walked it was time for us to get to know more about each other on a personal level. We had spent so much time in the bedroom that we really hadn't found out anything about each other. I like this part of the interaction with clients that book for a long period of time. It kind of takes the relationship to a higher level rather than just sex. This part of the interaction with a client is the social work side of it or the counselling side of our profession I guess.

We discussed his family, his wife and his three sons. He told me that his wife had completely gone off sex since the birth of their three sons. This I have found to be a very common problem in most relationships of my clients whom are married. Sad but true. He was still very much in love with her and there was no thought of ever leaving her. She had been a good wife and mother to the children but sex just wasn't one of hers strongest points in the relationship. They were really good friends though and i believe that's very important.

We spent quite a bit of time discovering all the beautiful views that Wellington has to offer. Its stunning views and architecture that scatter the city and harbour. He was quite amazed at how beautiful the city was. Being out in the open was really pleasant especially after spending two days cooped up in a hotel room.

It was getting on to lunch time and he was very much wanting to try the cuisine that was on offer in Wellington and being a lover of fine wine and food it was up to me to choose where we would dine for lunch that afternoon. He wanted it to be a surprise so I headed in the direction of the waterfront as the ocean is always a pleasant backdrop to a lovely afternoon and having lunch by the sea is just gorgeous.

We arrived at my most favourite, favourite of all restaurants in Welly, Shed Five. It specialises in seafood to which is by far my most favourite foods to dine on. We started off with the usual, a nice bottle of Bollinger followed by entree, main and finally dessert. I chose what he had for all three courses and we had glasses of wine to match each course. I think he was rather impressed with my knowledge of food and wine. We finished with a glass of port, then cognac and special coffee. You are probably wondering how we were feeling at the end of this session. Well the luncheon took up about three hours and we stumbled back to the hotel at about 3pm that afternoon. He was pretty stuffed to say the least and flopped onto the bed too full to indulge in anything further.

I went to the bathroom to refresh myself and change into the sexy red lingerie he'd brought me, but when I got back he was fast asleep. Gosh I have to say that I was a little relieved as I was feeling a little raw from all the sex. But this was great in another way coz I had devised a plan that would suit him and me and it would put a nice little spin on the occasion of what I had in store for him later that evening when he awoke.

While he slept soundly I decided to organise a tag team for the rest of the evening when he awoke. It was apparent that he loved sex that much that he wouldn't mind, in fact I'm sure he would rise more than once to the occasion as he had shown already. I needed to ensure that he would experience a wide variety of ladies of different looks with varying talents in the sex industry. And I needed to stretch it out over the period of the rest of the evening. Again as he had told me, money was not an issue.

He was one of those guys that believed that blonde's have more fun so the first lady I chose was a gorgeous petite little blond whom I used to work with at the K Inn. I rang the club and enquired to see if she was working and she was so I explained to them that I would like to organise an out call to The Museum Hotel. I explained that the client was asleep at present but that I would ring back as soon as he was awake. They were very accommodating and so was the lady I had in mind.

I waited patiently and when I saw him stirring I decided to call our first little lady who I had planned to entertain him for a couple of hours. I timed it perfectly and as he woke there was a knock at the door. He was a little dumbfounded as to who our visitor was. I opened the door and invited her in to which his eyes opened wide with great interest. I was of course expected to stay in the room throughout the whole session although I wasn't going to partake at all as it was her job to entertain him, not mine. This was a very pleasant experience as it gave me a little time off to do what I wanted. One point that I did stipulate was that I was in charge of making sure she got enough breaks as he was a pretty full on kinda guy, so every 15 minutes I would stop him and offer her a drink to which she was most happy with. I think he enjoyed being told what to do as a mistress does in a bondage session. For the last 15 minutes of the 2 hours he was happy for us all to sit, relax and socialise. It was awesome to catch up with her and she was most thankful that I had chosen her as one of the ladies to entertain him. After she left he crashed out once again for a couple of hours, just enough time for me to organise lady number two.

The next lady I had in mind was a Maori girl, also from the K Inn whom I had worked with who was slim, attractive and very raunchy. She had an amazing social and bubbly personality, lovely olive skin and was also a stripper. So I called the club and let them know that I would contact them for her to come to the hotel on an out call and to ensure that she wore some sexy clothes as she would be required to do a sexy strip tease for him. I organised the music for the occasion and when he woke the same thing happened again, I phoned the club and she arrived promptly to entertain him. Well he was totally mesmerised by her performance and at the end of another two hour session with plenty of breaks he passed out again, totally spent.

My third choice of lady was a European lady who was by far the most outrageous of the three. She was tall, European with soft white as snow skin, black hair and an interesting accent. This lady was like your submissive. She loved anal and loved it rough. She liked being slapped around the face and aggressive sex was a big turn on for her. I have to say that this session was by far the most disturbing session of all out of the three ladies. The booking lasted three hours and I was pleased to stop the two of them for regular breaks. To see him ramming his cock down her throat while she gagged almost to the point of vomiting really disturbed me. At one stage I got up and pushed him off her yelling "That's enough break time!!!" while she is nodding her head saying it was OK. Well it wasn't OK with me and I stopped them anyway. Three long hours this time and to be honest it could not have come quicker. I was glad to see the end of that session and for the last half hour he was happy for her to shower and join us for a social drink.

I had never seen anything like it, observing from the side lines the look of satisfaction in his eyes. I think that what had made me feel so uncomfortable was the fact that his behaviour reminded me so much of my ex and how vicious he used to get. He tipped her very well and she left very happy that she had made well over and above what she had expected for the evening.

At the end of another long day we retired to bed and slept soundly till the next morning. He was back to his normal self the next morning and as he was checking out that day we had our last little sesh went down to the restaurant for brekky and checked out of the hotel. I drove him to the airport later that morning and spent the time discussing his experiences of the last few days. He was really happy with what I had helped him experience. He told me it was by far the best time he had ever had in New Zealand with a working lady.

As we embraced before he departed to board his flight, he thanked me once again and left. I was ecstatic that once again I had achieved my goal in another happy client

Review from Hot Brunette in Hamilton/Janine Du Pres

A template Review of Georgia as a bi-double partner
Parlour or Independent Indy
Accurate Photos Yes .Premises 5 Star motel in Hamilton. Parking Discreet, off street, free Age Looks mid - late 30's. Smoker No. Drugs No, don't do drugs and would not work with anyone who did. Energy in ,High Kissing, Yes. Cunnilingus Yes - very skilled. Massage, Good. Pussy Tight, naturally wet. Boobs DD. Arse Small, tight. Hair Long, light brown. Conversation Pleasantly chatty. Client Rapport Excellent, Face Pretty. Teeth, None missing and white. Size 12. Moaner or Screamer, Both. Mover or Starfish, Mover. Over-all rating 9/10. Would I work with her again? Hell yes!!!!!!!!

Review from Octavian

Janine and Georgia
Not going to do the usual template style review. If you want a checklist give them a call or send them an email (and be polite).It was a cold, wet, miserable day in Hamilton but I did not care because I was off to see Janine (Hot Brunette in Hamilton) and Georgia. Yes Georgia was doing her long awaited visit to Hamilton. From the time Janine met me at the door to the good bye from Georgia let us say it was non stop Woo Hoo! And that was just when they were warming up. Georgia has a legion of fans and many positive reviews (try to find a negative one) but I never realised that these were understated. Then team her up with Janine and Oh My God! This was not some mere appointment or session. This was an experience. The two ladies made sure that I and they enjoyed themselves, never any awkward moments and even the conversation would be worth the cost of the time. This may sound like a paid advertisement but I do recommend you seeing these two ladies and myself will really love to see both of them again.


Georgia - A non template review
Georgia was back in Hamilton and for once the Hamilton men were being smart and making bookings. So in order to see if she was as good by herself as she was with Janine I needed a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel.1. I checked her ad so I knew when she would be available and other information such as the fee.2. I got in contact with her within a decent time frame.3. When I turned up I did not try to negotiate down an already agreed upon price or act like a complete and utter pain.The complete plan can be read in my upcoming book "How not to get the door slammed in your face by Octavian"The location she was operating out of was easy to find, discreet and had all the facilities that you could ask for.We began by sharing a spa and enjoying some small talk. Then the action moved into the bedroom where we shared some wine. Then[ Censored because I can ] and then[ still censored ] All I will say is that you will enjoy your experience with the lady and if she ventures back to Hamilton again grab the chance to see her either by herself or when she is with Hot Brunette.But there is one down side that you should be warned about and it is a major one. I am afraid the Georgia is an...is an..... is an Aucklander. But I am sure it is something I can work through.To review Georgia in two words: Woo Hoo

Review from Rahul H

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Comments from Storm4u

I haven't been with Georgia as a client but have meet her in person once and hope to meet her more. She went out of her way to meet me in person. She has a wonderful personality and charm that I am sure would see most clients more then happy to see her again. Witty and intelligent. She has good dress sense and carried herself with style and character.Hope to see more of her in time and that a friendship develops from what we started. Thanks Hun

Review from Kiwihorn

Review: Georgia - Indy
Not going to do the old template review this time, as for one I am too baked to be bothered, and two she isn't really a template kinda gal...Georgia is true to her already positive reviews in giving an amazing GFE experience, she isn't rushed at all, puts you at ease pretty quick and isn't in a rush to get to any kind of business. It seems important to her that she tries to get to know you a little bit and that you get comfortable first, which is a really nice treat.Started with a nice shower together, then off to the bedroom where she sure knows her stuff I am going to have to put her into my "best kisser ever" personal award section, knocking Bianca from AB off that perch Georgia's pictures and advert on NZG are all true to form.... She has beautiful brown eyes I look forward to the next time, thanks Georgia.

Feedback From My Clients

I thought that it might be a good idea to have a section where clients I have been with might like to write something about their experience with me and what they liked about my time with them. Sometimes its always nice to wreak about other peoples experiences as well as some of the ones that I had with them. Anyway I look forward to reading some of your comments.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Deciding to become an Escort.

I have to admit that becoming an escort came about at a time when I would have been at my absolute lowest. My partner was a control freak and was constantly harassing me about how I should sell my behind. He used to tell me that I was sitting on a gold mine. His tone of voice was not the best so I knew that whatever he said was said with sarcasm in mind. I found out later that he was having an affair with an escort from another town who was hell bent determined to take what she wanted which was him. She succeeded in the end and although I was very miserable in the beginning and very unhappy I came to realise that this transition in my life was by far going to be the most positive and beneficial move I had made in a long time.

My first experience in the industry was at a local club that was classed as the top one in my town, Femme Fatales. What a scary experience it was going from the comforts of a regular relationship to having sex with every man bar the kitchen sink. I didn't cope very well that first week. In fact I really resented being there. I was very conservative in the way I dressed and I guess due to my low self esteem I didn't like to be seen in my underwear. In fact I was very self conscious of my body even though I had a very nice figure and I was attractive. I was way out of my comfort zone.

In time I got used to it and i ended up escaping to Wellington to get as far away as I could from the ex and it was kinda nice actually because I was able to take control of my life for the first time in such a long time. I was attracting some really respectful clients who made me feel like a princess and I was enjoying being treated really nice for once. Some of the guys who booked my time and indulged in my services were very attractive, intelligent and just genuinely down to earth men who were there to pamper me as I was expected to do to them.

That was three years ago. For the last twelve months I have been working in the private sector and I believe that i prefer the level of clientele compared to the parlour scene. I started to realise that in parlours the majority of clientele would visit at a time when all the pubs were closed, therefore most would be more than likely intoxicated. In some cases these guys would be lets say pretty drunk to say the least. Over the two years that I worked in parlours I have to say that I experienced some very touch and go type situations which ended up leading me to try out the private sector. To which now I find this to be more suited to my personality and use of time.

I enjoyed the fact that I was not restricted to time and having to be stuck within the confinement of four walls of a club. I was happy to be able to utilise my time better now in between clients doing more constructive things rather than waiting patiently for the never never to turn up. The other aspect of not enjoying the parlour scene was the constant cattiness and bickering in amongst the ladies. The superficiality of what most of the regular ladies portrayed at each individual establishment that seemed to scare off the newbies. Breaking into that circle was very difficult. I found it was far easier to work in peace alone. Private became more suitable for me and I have stuck with it ever since.